¿Cuánto inglés entiendes?

Hello student! Bienvenido a otra clase de Amigos Ingleses. Hoy te traemos un ejercicio de listening en colaboración con la plataforma Cambly.

En este vídeo vamos a poner a prueba tu comprensión oral. Escucharás a dos profesores nativos: Shawn de EEUU y  Caroline de Reino Unido, hablando sobre temas cotidianos.

¡Toma papel y lápiz antes de empezar! ✏️ Escucha la conversación y responde a las 10 preguntas de comprensión que te hemos preparado.

¿Entiendes a los nativos hablando inglés? 

¿Tienes todas tus respuestas?

Are you sure? Don’t cheat or Mr Bartlett will get upset!



Go down




Keep going down a bit more




Here we go!

Ejercicio de listening


1. Why is the place where Caroline lives famous?

It’s famous because many films have been shot there including James Bond, Harry Potter and Transformers.

2. What do they have for breakfast?  

Shawn: oatmeal, sausage and eggs.

Caroline: fruit and tea.

3. Why does Caroline drink tea?

b) it makes her look younger (it takes all your wrinkles away)

4. What’s the weather like in Shawn’s city?

c) pretty mild

5. What foods does Caroline hate?

She doesn’t like prawns, mussels or anything with a shell

6. What three things make Caroline happy? 

1. Her students

2. Her two cats

3. Setting goals for herself in life.

7. Why did Shawn move to another city?

Because the altitude was difficult for his wife.

8. What are the pros and cons of living on Skye?   

Cons: the rain, it takes a long time to get there (6 hours) Pros: it’s very green because of the rain and you pass some glorious landscapes to get there.

9. What two adjectives does Shawn use to describe people from his country.

Industrious & friendly

10. Listen and fill in the gaps…

What would I do without your smart mouth, drawing me in

and then kicking me out.Got my head spinning, no kidding, I can’t pin you down.

Si te apetece ver otra clase que hicimos sobre errores gramaticales comunes con otra profe estadounidense de Cambly, te está esperando aquí.

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¡Sorteamos una clase de 60 minutos en YouTube

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Yes,we’re very nosy! 👃 ¡En una semana anunciaremos al ganador! Yippee! 🤳🎉

See you in the comments! 👋

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