Hello super motivated student!

Si eres un asiduo a nuestro blog, ya conocerás algunas peculiaridades y manías de nuestros queridos British, pero la que te traemos hoy, seguro que te va a sorprender. Y es que los británicos tienen cierta predilección por acortar palabras. Para que te hagas una idea de la gravedad del asunto, ellos mismos se hacen llamar ‘Brits’ en lugar de ‘British’. 😅

Por supuesto, también lo hacen los estadounidenses, por ejemplo ‘hood‘ es la forma corta de decir ‘neighbourhood’, y los australianos (‘avo‘ es la forma corta para ‘avocado’) 🥑 etc, etc …

En este vídeo vamos a mostrarte 26 palabras abreviadas que debes conocer si hablas inglés, y por supuesto si quieres ser capaz de entender a los nativos. 

Aquí te dejamos las palabras del vídeo y algunas más de regalo: 
¿No has entendido nuestro diálogo? No worries!

Aquí tienes la transcripción completa y el vocabulario clave. 👇 

Thank you for the info, but I really can’t help you because I’ve got lots of admin to do today so …


Just a sec. I’ll call you back in a sec okay?

Are you all right? You seem a bit grumpy

Well, I’m extremely tired actually I had a very late night. I had to go to the vet. My dog is very sick and he’s on his last legs basically.

Oh is he? What’s the problem with the legs?

No, he’s at the vet. He’s on his last legs, it’s an expression. It means he’s dying.

Oh, so what what did the vet say?

He gave me some meds to give to my dog and I’m waiting for some test results to come back from the lab.

Okay, well, I’m sorry, but I just came to say congrats to your sis for getting that promotion. I’m really sure she’s gonna do a fab job. Yeah, she’s just so clever!

Ok I’ll pass your message on to her, but you know that that really should have been me who got the promotion.

You? But you wouldn’t be able to do that job Phil.

 I’ve been here for ten years, okay, and my sister’s been here for one month and she gets the promotion?

She’s worked her fingers to the bone and I’m sorry to say it Phil, but you’ve taken it a little bit too easy.

Look! I’ve worked my socks off at this company. Okay, okay?

I’m not the one giving the promotions here, so don’t take it out on me. Anyway apart from that I came to tell you that we need to have a look at the doc.

What dog? The doc! My dog?

Not your dog! The doc doc, the document we need to send it by the end of today.

I haven’t seen any docs!

Oh my goodness. You need to come to my office. Okay. We need to go through the stats together.

Okay, well what time should I come to your office?

Well it’s lunchtime now, so I’m just gonna have some veg.

Some veg?

Yeah, some veg, some broccoli. What are you having for lunch Phil?

I’m just gonna grab an egg mayo sandwich.

Do you think that’s a healthy diet? And then you eat a pizza every night or a ready meal.

How on earth do you know what I have for dinner?

Well, I’m very close to your sis, so I know what you have for dinner. Sorry. Right I’ll see you at the office then, yeah? Okay, don’t be late don’t be late!

Sorry about that yes is that girl, Isabel, she’s a pain in the

Vocabulary, expresions & phrasal verbs

  • Grumpy = gruñón, cascarrabias.
  • On its last legs = en las últimas, quedarte dos telediarios.
  • Promotion = ascenso laboral.
  • To work your fingers to the bone = dejarse la piel trabajando, 
  • To work your socks off = trabajar muy duro.
  • To take it out on someone  = pagar algo con alguien.
  • To go through something = repasar, revisar algo.
  • To grab (informal for get) = tomar, coger.
  • Ready meal = comida precocinada.
  • How on earth = cómo demonios, cómo diablos … 
  • To be close to someone = tener una estrecha relación o amistad con alguien.
  • A pain in the neck : un incordio, una lata, un fastidio, 
  • A pain in the ass / arse / bum (muy informal) : un coñazo.

There you go! Bueno, vale, lo hemos exagerado un poco, pero te aseguramos que estas abreviaciones están a la orden del día.

Recuerda que no nos hacemos responsables si te ocurre usarlas en una conversación formal. Para estas ocasiones, siempre es preferible no utilizar atajos y hablar con propiedad. 

Te vemos en el próximo post ¿no? Defo!

NEXT POST> Cómo pronunciar los contracciones en inglés!

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