Entiendo el inglés pero no puedo hablar

¿Puedes entender el inglés, pero a la hora de hablarlo te bloqueas? 😳 

Tranquilo, no eres ningún weirdo, o lo que es lo mismo, un bicho raro. Es totalmente normal y que no cunda el pánico porque tiene cura. 💊

Hace unos días recibimos el email de un estudiante español, que se había mudado a Londres recientemente y lo estaba pasando mal por no poder comunicarse de manera fluida en inglés.

Nuestro estudiante ‘Pepito’, nos cuenta que tartamudea, que cada vez que quiere formar una frase se queda estancado, que le es casi imposible contar una historia.

Sin embargo, conoce la gramática y suele entender bien el idioma, pero a la hora de comunicarse, en su cerebro solo se escuchan grillos (crickets) 🦗🦗🦗 cri-cri-cri ...

Pepito no está solo. Hay cientos de estudiantes que nos han escrito con este mismo problema. En este vídeo te contamos qué hacer para llegar a hablar inglés con la fluidez que siempre has soñado. 🤟

Are you ready? Let’s help Pepito! 

¿No entendiste todo? No worries!

Activa los subtítulos o lee la transcripción en inglés aquí debajo.


Oh look there’s an email from a student, let’s see …

Hola Amigos Ingleses,

Estoy viviendo en Londres actualmente trabajando como au pair, pero tengo un problema, me estanco muchísimo a la hora de hablar, sé la gramática y hago muy bien los writings, pero a la hora de hablar me congelo. 

Hablo con la familia inglesa con la que vivo y muchas veces no digo nada, porque tartamudeo o solo puedo decir frases muy cortas.

¿Qué puedo hacer en este caso? No sé cómo solucionar esto.

Lots of love from London,


Oh that’s a nice email don’t get the tissues out okay, don’t start crying …


– “Hi Isabel, what have you been up to?”

– “By the way I’m making some soup would you like some?”

– “Oh if I want any soup for dinner oh!” (Spanish)

– “Isabel soup soup yes soup I’m making some soup for dinner would you like some?

– “Ah soup yes yes yes why not.”

So what’s the problem Isabel? What’s the problem?


Exactly the problem is you’ve been too focused on your receptive skills which are listening and reading and you haven’t spent enough time focusing and improving your productive skills which are writing and speaking.

You are good mister Bartlett! (Spanish)

“It sounds a bit hollow to me wakey-wakey!”

So Philip, how do we get it out? Yes, good question, how we speak English naturally and fluently, just like you would in your native language? Well the first step is to expose yourself to the English language as much as possible.

From now on we’re going to speak only in English okay? What?

Yes, come on you have to face your fears yes face your fears get out of your comfort zone. All right yeah let’s do it!

So what I’m going to say might not be your favourite thing to hear, but if you start doing this I promise you it’s gonna do wonders for your English ‘mano de santo’ like you say in Spanish.

All you have to do is start getting uncomfortable, you have to get into situations in which you’ll have to speak English and communicate with real people, so it’s no big secret students. You just have to start talking now. Start talking okay get out there and talk.

I know it’s not rocket science, I know but it is a bit scary. For me it’s scarier being locked in a room in front of a grammar book! That’s a good point actually.

Okay so let’s imagine we have two students. Student A spends 30 days in the English countryside where nobody speaks a word of Spanish, student B spends 30 days going to an English school twice a week where some English classes are presented to them and they do a bit of practice with their classmates.

Who do you think is going to be able to speak English better after the 30 days. Obviously student A is gonna be killing it with their English.

Please bear in mind that when you start trying to communicate, you’re not going to feel comfortable you won’t find the right words, you will make grammar mistakes and pronunciation mistakes and well I keep making them every single day. 

You will feel a bit like Tarzan at first, you’ll use very simple vocabulary, you will speak a bit like a robot and yes you will feel embarrassed at some point and somebody might even, some idiots might even laugh at you, but you know just do it just, do it. 

What’s the worst that can happen do it, if you do it if you seriously do it every single day or as much as you can things will fall into place.

You cannot do something really well if you haven’t even tried, yes if you don’t practice enough, look at that. Sorry, that’s absolutely terrible so what would happen if he tried to draw a portrait of me every single day? What would we have in three months? We’d have a piece of art, wouldn’t we? 

So don’t worry so much about the destination, enjoy the process, focus on practicing and communicating, understanding and being understood even if you speak like this:

– “Tea tea hello yes money thirsty thirsty.”

– “Get out!” 

– “Drink me.”

– “What  you want to drink my tea?”

So please don’t let any of these make you give up yes if you want to be skilled at something first you have to do it not so well yes, but if you’re consistent and you’re determined you’ll make progress. 

Just don’t worry about perfection, don’t apologize for making mistakes, okay? I didn’t apologize when I ordered a chicken salad in Spanish. 

Oh yeah everyone makes that mistake, everybody makes a mistake, it’s not a problem I made that mistake once I didn’t make that mistake again. It’s priceless, it’s priceless it’s a great great memory.

Ok there’s someone here hello on the other side watching us okay I’ve watched Amigos Ingleses new video, I like to speak fluent English I’d like to start working on it what can I do?

Well what about starting your own English exchange club, for example? Isabel’s English language club. No, I mean I know.

it sounds really exciting, but it won’t last, I’m telling you. 

So what about practicing in the mirror with yourself well I don’t think the mirror can correct my grammar or my mistakes I would be bored to tears Mr Bartlett.

Yes, true I need something a bit more real I want to communicate. What about calling a Cambly teacher? Oh finally I was waiting for that! That’s what you like calling Cambly teachers of course I do!

“Tea one. Oh this is so frustrating, I can’t get any words out! I’m just trying to order a bloody tea, is that alright? Is not that difficult, is it?”

“Oh something just clicked in my brain! Right, where’s my bloody tea and how much is it how much do I owe you sir?

No sugar, just a drop of milk hurry up!” 

“Oh, sorry yeah that’ll £2.50 please.” 

“That’s a rip-off!”

Ya has oído a Mr Bartlett, no todo es hablar y practicar. “You must be exposed to the language!”

Para ello, qué mejor que nuestro último ejercicio de listening. Viene con un test, transcripción y ejercicios, ¡todo gratis! 

Si sientes que tu inglés está estancado y no sabes como desbloquearlo, no puedes perderte nuestro reto de fluidez de 30 días. Entrena y desbloquea tu inglés con nuestras divertidas actividades. ¡Mano de santo para tu fluidez! 😇

¡Esperamos que te haya ayudado este vídeo! No te olvides de enviárselo a todos tus amigos que se sientan un poquito estancados con su inglés.

It was a pleasure to have you with us today! 👋 

See you in the next video! 😍

super English pack amigos ingleses


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